Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The secret of the ages by robert collier

The Secret of the Ages
This book was written in 1926 and was in it's 27th edition in 1975. Robert Collier talks about the world we are living in NOW, in the 21st century and how we have begun the evolution of our minds. Here is a part out of the book that really made me go hmmmmm.

~We bemoan the loss of our forests. We worry over our dwindling resources of coal and oil. We decry the waste in our factories. But the greatest waste of all, we pay no attention to-the waste of our own potential mind power. Professor Wm. James, the world-famous Harvard psychologist, estimated that the average man uses only 10% of his mental power. He has unlimited power-yet he uses but a tithe of it. Unlimited wealth all about him-and he doesn't know how to take hold of it. With God-like powers slumbering within him, he is content to continue in his daily grind-eating, sleeping, working-plodding through an existence little more eventful than the animals'. while all of Nature, all of life, calls upon him awaken, to bestir himself.~

10%? 10%! 10%? yes. 10%

WTF? isn't anyone concerned about this? there is 90% of our brain just sitting there, chillen. Seriously. This is a really big deal to me, I am on a mission to find out about this other 90% and I want to know what in the world is going on with our people. We are becoming drones. Wake up, go to work, come home, eat, sit in front of a screen and believe everything that is said as if it's not only true, but the "way it is".  Then, you wake up and do it all over again, everyday.    All the while of course, giving your hard earned money to the dozen men that are making all the decisions.
We have gotten ourselves into big trouble here, there is only one way to "fix" it all and that is by changing our minds. Refuse to be told what to believe, question everything you think you believe. Find out what the other 90% of your mind is up to. Listen to the things you say, what do they really mean? What are you spending your time thinking about? It's scary, it's hard, and it is sooo worth it. Call it forward, open your mind. There, you will find the "you" you've been searching for, "you", will be the "happy" you've always wanted to be, you will be whole.

LOVE, love, Love, LOVE, loVe, lOvE, love, LOVE.
Be patient and kind to yourself.
xoxo justina

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