Friday, December 9, 2011

working on a new visual board :)

able abstract abundance abundant acceptance acknowledge activating active adequate align allow angels appreciative appropriate ascension assist atonement attractive aura authentic available awaken aware awe

balancing be beautiful belief believe best big blessed blessing bliss bloom buoyant

calm care celebratory certain channel charitable choice chosen clear cleansing close co-creator coherent collective comfortable commitment community compassionate complete compliant concern confident connection conscious considerate content contentment contributing courage create creation creative cycle

dance decide delightful discharge divine divinity dwell dynamic

ease ecstasy effective elevated emotional empowered encompassing encouraging endless energetic energy engaged enjoy enlightened equality essential eternal eternity ethic everlasting evolutionary evolving exact exciting exploration expressive extension

faithful fantastic feel flow focused force forgiving foundation frequency full fulfilling

genuine gift giving glad global Glory God good gracious grateful gratifying gratitude great_full group growth guidance

harmonic harmonious healing healthy hear heart heaven hierarchy helpful here high high-frequency Holy home honored hope humankind humble humor

idealistic immediate immortal impersonal indivisible influential innocent inside inspirational integrated integrity intelligence intended interactive internal intimate intuition intuitive invigorating invincible invoking is

journey Joy joyful joyous just justice

kind Kingdom know knowledge

laugh learning let-go life light listening live logical love loving loyal lucid

macro manifest maturation meaningful meditating mindful miraculous mission moral motion  motivating multi-sensory mutual

natural now nurturing nutrition

One open opportunity organized our

partnership passionate path patient peaceful perceiving perceptive perfection playful positive possible potent powerful pray precise presence present process profound protective provide providing pure purity purposeful

quality quantum

radiate real reality realize receiving receptive reciprocal reflective rejoice relationship relax releasing remembering resilient responsible restore reverence revival rich rise rhythm

sacred safe satisfied secure security seeking sensible servicing simple soul source special specific spirit spiritual steps still strength strive strong super supportive sustainable sweet symbolic synchronized

teaching thoughtful to together toward tranquil transforming true truth understanding

unique uniting unity universal universe unlimited unseen up

value vertical vigilant vision visionary

walk water we well-being white whole will wisdom with within witness wonderful worldly worthy


abandonment absence absent abusive accidental aching acquiescent addictive afraid against agitated alien annihilation anxiety anxious arrogant artificial assuming astray attacking attitude authoritative away

banished behind bewildered bias black blaming blind blocked bored breakdown brief brutality

chaotic closed cold competitive compliant conditional conflicting conformity contaminated contradictory controlling corrupt crazy

damaging damned dark dead deceiving deceptive defensive delay delusional denial dense dependant depressed deprived desire despair desperate destructive devastated different difficult disappointing discombobulated discriminating disorder disregarded dissociated distant distorted distressing disturbed divided dominate dormant doubt down drugged duress

ego egoism eluding embarrassing emptiness ending enveloped erroneous escape evil exaggerated excluded external extorted extreme

fabricated facade failure fake fantasy fear fell five-sensory  fluctuating forced forceful fornication  fragmented frantic frustrating future

gain gluttonous gossip grandiosity grasping greedy grief guilt

hallucination harmful harsh hate havoc heaviness horizontal hunger hurt

I idle ignorant illusion imaginary imagined imbalanced impaired impatient imposing impossible imprisoned impulsive inadequate incapable individual indulgent insane insanity insatiable insecure insistent interfering intimidating irrational irresponsible

jealousy judgemental jumbled

kept kill kinked

lacking lies limited limiting linear lingering little lonely longing loss low lower-frequency

magic manipulated martyr matter meaningless messy micro mindless more mortal

needy negative nightmarish noisy nonexistent nonsense

obedient obligating obscure opposing overwhelming

pain panicky partiality passive past patterns perplexed personal pitfall planning poor possessive power powerless pressing pressure prevailing prideful problematic profound projection property protective punishing


unconscious unreal

rage reacting refusing rejection resentment restraining restricted retracted ruin rule

sacrificial scattered secret seduction selfish separate serious shame sick situational sleep sorrow splintered split survival stingy stressful striving stumbling submission suffering suspect suspicious swindling

take talkative temptation terror threatening time tomorrow torn torture total trauma treacherous tricky tyranny

unconscious unfair unnecessary urgent 

vicious victimized violent vulnerable

wanting wanton war weak wishing withdrawn worry wrong

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