Monday, March 2, 2009

2009 notebook

I got this lil' notebook I have been carrying around. I wrote in it listening to Ethan play while dreaming about the network... I am writing them here, just to organize and find the cool stuff for the grapevine... (the lines I stole from a song or whatever, I am putting in italics)

Somewhere, we get lost in our minds. We forget to be grateful for every moment. We start thinking what if & if only.  The human mind is amazing, that we don't use it, is tragic.

The chatter, constant, never shuts up in my mind. None of it true, none of it real. Lost in my thoughts as they rattle around up there. To instead, realize the potential of learning how to direct my thoughts. To dream and to make them be true.

To KNOW, that I am absolutely perfect, exactly the way I am. To know that my life is a direct result of my thoughts. My thoughts have remembered how to dream, there are no limits... As far as you can fall = as far as you can fllllllly!

I alone, can certainly change the world. began to imagine what we can do... together cause, baby, I'm on a roll!

Question EVERYTHING. Learn all your laws. When you don't know what you believe, you believe everything and nothing.

Realize your dream. Spell it out, make it clear, live it, be it, love it, OWN it!!!! It's all yours, and it's just begging to Be.

Inspire, serve, feel joy, be.

Like islands in the ocean, we are one.

#1 for changing the entire world, is falling in love with it as it already is. Same for changing yourself.  There is no #2.

Thoughts become things, choose the good ones!!

Heaven is within us. It has nothing to do with the thoughts of someone else and everything to do with what we choose to think of ourselves.
My dream,  A community, many communities that have united. We live to serve each other. We are honored to provide our God given talents to everyone. We honor the strength of a word, the effects of a smile or a hug.
We are the masters of our thoughts. Our thoughts that ALWAYS become things. We are therefore the masters of our world, we are living exactly as we thought. Knowing the potentials of our dreams, we dream BIG.
We embrace our feelings, our gift from God, our feeling guide us. Our every thought would be a reflection of our hearts.
There are no exceptions, there are no limits. All of our children are prodigy's. It is our job to help them find the talents they have as individuals. We all have something different to offer each other. we are all different, let's rejoice in that.
The things that have been invented in the last 100 years, are small steps toward the places we will go and the things we will do in the next 100.
Our minds are being set free, we are going to find out how to use that other 70-90% of our brains we have lying around.
We respect the honor of everyone's natural desire to be our friend. Everyone loves friends, everyone wants to be yours, you want to be everyones.
There is so much gratitude in every detail of YOU, there is no space left for misery. All your thoughts are too busy dreaming to doubt.
You see the great beauty in grey mornings.
When we dream, we feel a passion, a drive, the ability to see the next step easily, eagerly.
There is no waiting, the beauty is found in every moment. Every experience is used for the lesson it is, and it is learned.
When our intentions and our actions are of the heart, it is all so clear. There are no misunderstandings, our world is motivated by pure love.
Gratitude is the cup that is half-full & consumed with passion for every refreshing, nuturing drop.  The satisfaction of finishing, and washing the fabulous cup that helped you receive.
We are excited to see our sameness, we see it in everyone and everything. Our excitement need never be contained. Ever. Our passion screams from our being, our smiles are real and felt by all.
Our desire to be accepted is direct result of us not realizing our talents and abilities, and not being able to use them to serve, to share with all.
Realizing, helping each other is only helping ourselves. Sharing love, brings more and more and more LOVE.
Let your awareness be an open door for all to follow.
Live every moment like it's a grand step toward your dreams!!!!!
Every moment in the here and now, leaves no time to ponder the future or re-live the past.
The past is filled with each and every person and thing that made me EXACTLY who I am right now, and I am miraculous. Thank you for every single moment.
If I didn't, I wouldn't.  Because i did, Iam.
I live the life of a queen, the magic of life, I have seen.
Each moment I am blessed with the ability to dream.

The heart of life is good, fear is our friend, misunderstood.
When we are not consumed by our repetitive thoughts of everything other than now, we have the space to create, to move to new levels at miraculous speeds because we learn.
Our thoughts become things. If you think it will make you fat, it will. If you take each bite with gratitude, know each bite provides you with the nutrients to be, food will enrich each and everyone of us.
When we are eager to share all that we are, there can be no... less fortunate.
There is NOTHING to worry about.
You cannot change yesterday, you can't predict tomorrow, so live today.
We all know how beautiful we are. Every single cell that conforms to our thoughts. everyone, every ONE.
we are energy. Everything determines the flow, the negative and positive. We must learn how to exchange it, our ability to let it out and absorb just what we need to feel fulfilled, whole.
Sex is the overwhelming need to exchange energy. Things that allow us to dump and reload are grand. We are fascinated by the exchange.
we are greatly entertained by people that know their talent and perfect it, passionately.  We feel our need to find and be our own dreams.
We are fueled by our desire to be, passionately. To offer our services to all.
Limits are only in our mind, our mind can take them away.
Everything in moderation, including moderation. Over abundance in anything, is over.
It is not our job to figure out HOW, it is our job to imagine it. God takes care of the rest. So, what's the reason for hesitation? THINK BIG!
Think real big.
If I whistle, they whistle. If I shout, they shout.  If I love, if I honor, if I have faith, So shall they.
Time is only a tool to help us gather, to make our lives easier. There is only NOW.
Successful people are those who took a thought, made it into and idea, and than ran with it, hard, full of passion. They saw the end and were grateful. They had faith in their idea becoming reality and let God figure out all the minscule details; the lessons to be learned, the people to meet, each step to be taken.  Have faith, a dream and set if free, give it to God, and it can only be.
we are only lazy when we are consumed with the thoughts of if, when we allow thoughts to control us. When we realize that we control our thoughts, our entire reality- we become free.
The closer we get to nature, our mother, the closer we get to our true being.
The more skills we learn, the more pride we have in our ability to serve. The more we feel pride, the bigger our dreams become. The bigger our dreams, the more grand the world becomes.
A great world within, a grand world through out.
What you resist, persists!
All thoughts, become things.
There are no limits, but the ones you put on yourself, in your mind.
You choose to use your silence,, you choose to have no choice.
Teach what you know, with love and gratitude for what you know.
To reach the souls of many men, to find the words to say. Put your passion on paper. It starts with one, one small step, one start.
Beware of being lost in an instant, lest you miss the opportunity to bask in the experience of the moment.
We are not a species that travel alone. We are families, We are a community.
I am teaching, even in the moments I do not realize.
My mind is constantly racing with... how can i make this better and I love it. No longer, what do other people think? but what do I?
Changing MY world, changes THE world.
I have faith that God gave me the perfect people to bounce all of my passions off of. God takes care of me the best way possible, given my gift of free will.
STOP! smell, STOP! listen, STOP! taste, STOP! feel, STOP! What are your senses feeling? What feelings make the whole? Be grateful.
Enjoying myself. Me. There is no other feeling like it. Just loving every single cell of me.
Everything I say to you, I am saying to myself. Appreciating that and learning.
Thanks for being such a great reflection of myself, it makes me able to SOAR!
Each person that sees me feel alive, sees that reflection in themselves. You being alive, helps them see themselves alive, that is the first step.
The emotions you stir, bring me me, til I see you again.
When I look into your eyes, I see the desire to tell the world who you are and what you have to say! Each and EVERY person that comes into our life has an important place. Bigger than we imagine, look for them, and imagine!!
A door has just opened, as another gently closes. The memories of yesterday, the dreams of tomorrow, the love, the peace, the joy of now.
The language you speak confuses me, for the barriers are long and wide. the rage shows, in your eyes.

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