Tuesday, November 29, 2011

to us

All kinds of things run in and out of my mind.Good stuff, silly stuff, absurd, interesting, terrifying, exotic, blessings, children, hope.
I constantly take deep breathes, reminding myself, I am NOT my thoughts, & I smile. I take another deeep breathe, and a good look around, reminding myself of the lucky life I live, fortunate.
In the end, only kindness matters.

There is ONLY love.Everything else is an illusion.

In order to carry the light, to allow your lifht to shine, you must polish. You must tend to the dirty stuff, inside and out.

Some of the stuff takes only a moment, only a thought, and the dirt is gone.
Other areaas however may take some swet, tears & gears.
Sometimes, after grueling heartbreak, you may go back & find there's still some there, or worse, it's back.
These spots are there because in a moment of reflection, grace & forgiveness was never given. A view from another perspective, a lesson learned.
This light I pray to be let through requires me to let go of ALL the bullshit, the fear, the sadness. It requires me to believe, to have all the faith in this world, into the unseen.
I am learning to flow. I am becoming one, one with all.

Long, long, long ago... we agreed to do this together. You help me, I'll help you.
It's easier, together. It allows us to laugh with each other & at each other. To have fun.
& that, is really all it's about.
The journey, called life.

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