Friday, August 6, 2010

Around the circles I roam

seems foolish that I run myself in the circles, yet comforting to know that I can always go back, in time or space.
the circles go round and round.
I find myself in a peculiar spot pondering life's mysteries.
Walking rhrough doors I have been in many times before, only possibly seeing things in a different perspective, learning the trades and picking up tools I must have missed before.
My life has been a struggle, growing up as a wanderer and living today as one.
I long for stucture, education and love as we all do, only when I find myself there I get restless. I know that this is not all life has to offer. I search truth, I seek love. I am not content living a life of lies, pretending that THIS is enough. I refuse to believe we as humans choose to vote for lies, curruption and killing. I believe in mankind and pray daily for the aliens to come so we can realize we are one planet, we are the human race of earth and we must come together to live with our basic needs provided. Mother nature has everything we need., why oh why are we still struggling every moment for these things?
I spent the first 30 years of my life in the dream, being just who I needed to be in order to please everyone that I possibly can. The last 5 years, discovering who I really am, who Justina is in her soul. Turns out, when you stop being the person who is only there to please, the ones you love the most refuse to accept the YOU that is taking care of herself.
Struggling to keep my chin up, Mom and dad have disowned me for the last time. Family is so far away, we are easily forgotten.

So, who is this new me that has continued crawling? Has this dreamer found a way to evolve? Today I sit, believing in the here and now. Reflecting on the past, putting faith into the future.
Living the american dream, homeless, jobless and alone.

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