Thursday, May 28, 2009

peace and simplicity

“Simplicity is the essence of happiness.” - Cedric Bledsoe

It's been a over a year since I took the drastic step toward simplicity. I found myself surrounded by reminders of my past and hopes for a different life; old pictures of friends and family that have passed on, and pictures of the way things used to be.  This is unhealthy, it kept my mind "there" more than I even realized....
I went from room to room and cleaned out EVERYTHING.  A girlfriend gave some good advice, "if you wouldn't take it with you on a move to a different country, get rid of it". I boxed up all my pictures of then, and threw them up in the attic.
The difference it has made in all of our lives is AMAZING!
It's easier to clean for one thing, it's also much easier to stay in the NOW!
peace and simplicity,

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