We are out of balance when we are searching for the "right" or "wrong"
the "ins" and "outs" the "ups" and "downs.
Balance is found in the center.
"Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there." ~Rumi
Learning to communicate is equal to learning to really hear what a person is trying to say. Not necessarily how the english language interprets it, but what the heart is saying.
Learning to forgive myself.
Listening to what my heart is trying to say @ the moments I am choosing to beat myself up. My ego is loud and clear, it has no time for love, no need for others, and it takes the job of protecting me from everything at all costs, very seriously.
Forgiving myself has turned out to be much more difficult in some ways than to forgive others, although in forgiving myself, I also forgive others and give permission for others to ask forgiveness. It is a magical journey inward, I have found a quiet strength.
Learning to trust myself and trust others.
Reflecting the past. Reliving it without judgment or "taking it personal". Realizing that the perspective of my little girl self was much bigger than my "adult" perspective. Moments of fear that spread into days, days turned into months and months turned into years. My ego is also very dramatic and exaggerating
I am tired and must nap.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Emotionally, you may feel a bit unsure and perhaps a bit indecisive as to how to proceed, justina. You have a tremendously warm and caring nature, but at the same time, it does not do you or anyone else any good unless you can learn to be assertive about it and brave in expressing it. Now is your chance to stand up and take a definitive stand. Do not let other people take advantage of you or call the shots for you. You know perfectly well what you want and how to get it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Intentions of Alaska
Going to Alaska in a moments notice went by so fast, it felt like a dream. Moments after arriving I felt like any moment I was going to wake up in Asheville.
I wrote down my intentions for my trip home, I don't remember doing it, but just found them... I am very happy with myself :)
What you think, BECOMES
Looking for love? Looking to love?
Two completely different things. Magical.
Reach out, share, trade.
Looking for;
Healing, reconnection, insight, healthy energy exchange, intuition, enlightenment.
Being, Light, Love, Flow, Release
Remember, It's OKAY.
Letting go, it's Okay.
Breathing in; receiving, breathing out; letting go.
Being the flow of energy.
Excited, seeing the transformaion, evolving.
Becoming, being, loving, understanding.
The trip was wonderful. Thank you Aunties Les, Norma, Auntie Rose, Anita, Toni Rose, Abigail, Ronel, Anita, Jess, Crystal, Rob, Marcie,Rick, Jenny, Mag, Vaness (bobby), Fe (scotty), Tandy, Dad, Tina, Mom, Adj, Jordan Carol, Dave, Curtis, Dennis and Jane, Jenny, Colleen, Chris and Gary.............
Hearing my voice with confidence and strength gives me goosebumps.
I wrote down my intentions for my trip home, I don't remember doing it, but just found them... I am very happy with myself :)
What you think, BECOMES
Looking for love? Looking to love?
Two completely different things. Magical.
Reach out, share, trade.
Looking for;
Healing, reconnection, insight, healthy energy exchange, intuition, enlightenment.
Being, Light, Love, Flow, Release
Remember, It's OKAY.
Letting go, it's Okay.
Breathing in; receiving, breathing out; letting go.
Being the flow of energy.
Excited, seeing the transformaion, evolving.
Becoming, being, loving, understanding.
The trip was wonderful. Thank you Aunties Les, Norma, Auntie Rose, Anita, Toni Rose, Abigail, Ronel, Anita, Jess, Crystal, Rob, Marcie,Rick, Jenny, Mag, Vaness (bobby), Fe (scotty), Tandy, Dad, Tina, Mom, Adj, Jordan Carol, Dave, Curtis, Dennis and Jane, Jenny, Colleen, Chris and Gary.............
Hearing my voice with confidence and strength gives me goosebumps.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Separateness causes confusion
When an illness inflicts itself on a family, the pain is felt by all.
Each individual has his own perspective, each of us file information according to our beliefs, our thoughts and our journey's.
Our free will allows us the choice; How to respond.
How we interpret the information and how we will act or react to the situation (whatever it is at the moment) is 100% up to us.
We get to choose whether or not we want to find the "rights & wrongs", the blame, the victim... Are we choosing to be the judge? the prosecutor? the jury?
Happiness and unconditional love are found in looking past how "I think you should be", and loving you for exactly who you are. Choosing to comfort you in your time of need, to celebrate your discoveries, to hurt when you hurt.
It is our dream from the moment we came upon this earth to be just a little better than before. It is our purpose to become aware of needless cycles and let them go. It is our purpose to evolve, to learn new tricks.
When someone we love very much is suffering, our responsibility is an honor. To come together, share our love and bring healing.
All of us find ourselves as outcasts, as we've all made mistakes, been judged and prosecuted within our family. We feel seperated and unloved. Why are we doing this to each other?
Acknowledgment is our first step toward recovery. Sweeping it under the rug, pretending the facts do not exist is only adding to the fear and pain. Denial is feeding the cycle we must learn to let go of.
If there is "side" that must be chosen, I choose the side of the small child in all of us, crying to be loved.
I am grateful for being raised in a village, many have participated in the being that I am.
Thank you, for every moment.
It is my prayer that the grand love that is between us shines it's light for all to see. Our strength, together, in love, is immeasurable, it's power, immense.
I pray that we come together in peace and ease our broken hearts.
"our silence is hurting us. Our unique individualism is our most valuable aspect. Our differences brought together, create a harmony". jk
Each individual has his own perspective, each of us file information according to our beliefs, our thoughts and our journey's.
Our free will allows us the choice; How to respond.
How we interpret the information and how we will act or react to the situation (whatever it is at the moment) is 100% up to us.
We get to choose whether or not we want to find the "rights & wrongs", the blame, the victim... Are we choosing to be the judge? the prosecutor? the jury?
Happiness and unconditional love are found in looking past how "I think you should be", and loving you for exactly who you are. Choosing to comfort you in your time of need, to celebrate your discoveries, to hurt when you hurt.
It is our dream from the moment we came upon this earth to be just a little better than before. It is our purpose to become aware of needless cycles and let them go. It is our purpose to evolve, to learn new tricks.
When someone we love very much is suffering, our responsibility is an honor. To come together, share our love and bring healing.
All of us find ourselves as outcasts, as we've all made mistakes, been judged and prosecuted within our family. We feel seperated and unloved. Why are we doing this to each other?
Acknowledgment is our first step toward recovery. Sweeping it under the rug, pretending the facts do not exist is only adding to the fear and pain. Denial is feeding the cycle we must learn to let go of.
If there is "side" that must be chosen, I choose the side of the small child in all of us, crying to be loved.
I am grateful for being raised in a village, many have participated in the being that I am.
Thank you, for every moment.
It is my prayer that the grand love that is between us shines it's light for all to see. Our strength, together, in love, is immeasurable, it's power, immense.
I pray that we come together in peace and ease our broken hearts.
"our silence is hurting us. Our unique individualism is our most valuable aspect. Our differences brought together, create a harmony". jk
Friday, August 6, 2010
Around the circles I roam
seems foolish that I run myself in the circles, yet comforting to know that I can always go back, in time or space.
the circles go round and round.
I find myself in a peculiar spot pondering life's mysteries.
Walking rhrough doors I have been in many times before, only possibly seeing things in a different perspective, learning the trades and picking up tools I must have missed before.
My life has been a struggle, growing up as a wanderer and living today as one.
I long for stucture, education and love as we all do, only when I find myself there I get restless. I know that this is not all life has to offer. I search truth, I seek love. I am not content living a life of lies, pretending that THIS is enough. I refuse to believe we as humans choose to vote for lies, curruption and killing. I believe in mankind and pray daily for the aliens to come so we can realize we are one planet, we are the human race of earth and we must come together to live with our basic needs provided. Mother nature has everything we need., why oh why are we still struggling every moment for these things?
I spent the first 30 years of my life in the dream, being just who I needed to be in order to please everyone that I possibly can. The last 5 years, discovering who I really am, who Justina is in her soul. Turns out, when you stop being the person who is only there to please, the ones you love the most refuse to accept the YOU that is taking care of herself.
Struggling to keep my chin up, Mom and dad have disowned me for the last time. Family is so far away, we are easily forgotten.
So, who is this new me that has continued crawling? Has this dreamer found a way to evolve? Today I sit, believing in the here and now. Reflecting on the past, putting faith into the future.
Living the american dream, homeless, jobless and alone.
the circles go round and round.
I find myself in a peculiar spot pondering life's mysteries.
Walking rhrough doors I have been in many times before, only possibly seeing things in a different perspective, learning the trades and picking up tools I must have missed before.
My life has been a struggle, growing up as a wanderer and living today as one.
I long for stucture, education and love as we all do, only when I find myself there I get restless. I know that this is not all life has to offer. I search truth, I seek love. I am not content living a life of lies, pretending that THIS is enough. I refuse to believe we as humans choose to vote for lies, curruption and killing. I believe in mankind and pray daily for the aliens to come so we can realize we are one planet, we are the human race of earth and we must come together to live with our basic needs provided. Mother nature has everything we need., why oh why are we still struggling every moment for these things?
I spent the first 30 years of my life in the dream, being just who I needed to be in order to please everyone that I possibly can. The last 5 years, discovering who I really am, who Justina is in her soul. Turns out, when you stop being the person who is only there to please, the ones you love the most refuse to accept the YOU that is taking care of herself.
Struggling to keep my chin up, Mom and dad have disowned me for the last time. Family is so far away, we are easily forgotten.
So, who is this new me that has continued crawling? Has this dreamer found a way to evolve? Today I sit, believing in the here and now. Reflecting on the past, putting faith into the future.
Living the american dream, homeless, jobless and alone.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Letter to community living
Heeellllp. Trying to write about myself. It's really hard...
My name is Justina Kerstein, I am a 35 year old Alaskan Native in a female body.
I am a nurturer, content within my soul, ageless, and a vegetarian, who loves the kitchen. I choose to eat organic, local and seasonal.
I love children, pets, teaching, learning and care keeping. I have a loving and soul searching personality.
I have three amazing children who are raised without T.V, with a stay @ home mom who believes in learning the trades of our ancestors. My oldest son, Adrian is 19, living in Alaska by his grandma. Joshua is our middle child and will be living with me, his bio is included. Taylor is our youngest and only daughter, she is living in the Fort Bragg area with her dad who I have been married to for 16 years and continues to be my best friend.
I enjoy quilting, crocheting, crafts, baking, music, art, inside plants and outside gardens. I have been the PTO president, a soccer coach, and a last minute science project creator. I have worked part-time outside the home doing various jobs. Created work from home projects while the kids are @ school. I love humanity, love to meet people, learn, listen, and teach.
I am seeking a home with others in order to live community style. I love drum circles, potlucks, laughter and good music. I am clean, and respect others lifestyle choices.
I am working on a project, LIFE. A worker-owned business that will bring community, local goods, and the ability to access healthy choices easily. I am seeking part-time work that will allow me to learn more about this area of interest.
Josh and I are here to gather with like minds and return to a more reasonable, traditional style of living. An atmosphere where growth is encouraged, life is respected and mother nature is honored.
I am humbly grateful to be given the opportunity to live in an area that enables this kind of living and is at the forefront of our nations change.
We are active in outdoor work and recreation, we live the 6 R's; reduce, re-use, recycle, respect, responsibility, re-think.
We would love the opportunity to meet, see if our energy connects, and go from there.
Thank you for taking the time and the creating the opportunity,
In love,
Justina Kerstein
Hello, my name is Josh. I am ageless in a 15 year old male body. I am an adaptable person with good intentions, a calm attitude, a working personality, and an old soul.
I love the outdoors, children, people, and animals. I have friends in all age groups and walk of life.
I am an entrepreneur and have owned two successful businesses since I was 9 years old. (lawn care and firewood)
I am moving my mom and I to Asheville so I can surround myself with other people that are living healthy lifestyles and aware. I am the change I wish to see in the world.
My name is Justina Kerstein, I am a 35 year old Alaskan Native in a female body.
I am a nurturer, content within my soul, ageless, and a vegetarian, who loves the kitchen. I choose to eat organic, local and seasonal.
I love children, pets, teaching, learning and care keeping. I have a loving and soul searching personality.
I have three amazing children who are raised without T.V, with a stay @ home mom who believes in learning the trades of our ancestors. My oldest son, Adrian is 19, living in Alaska by his grandma. Joshua is our middle child and will be living with me, his bio is included. Taylor is our youngest and only daughter, she is living in the Fort Bragg area with her dad who I have been married to for 16 years and continues to be my best friend.
I enjoy quilting, crocheting, crafts, baking, music, art, inside plants and outside gardens. I have been the PTO president, a soccer coach, and a last minute science project creator. I have worked part-time outside the home doing various jobs. Created work from home projects while the kids are @ school. I love humanity, love to meet people, learn, listen, and teach.
I am seeking a home with others in order to live community style. I love drum circles, potlucks, laughter and good music. I am clean, and respect others lifestyle choices.
I am working on a project, LIFE. A worker-owned business that will bring community, local goods, and the ability to access healthy choices easily. I am seeking part-time work that will allow me to learn more about this area of interest.
Josh and I are here to gather with like minds and return to a more reasonable, traditional style of living. An atmosphere where growth is encouraged, life is respected and mother nature is honored.
I am humbly grateful to be given the opportunity to live in an area that enables this kind of living and is at the forefront of our nations change.
We are active in outdoor work and recreation, we live the 6 R's; reduce, re-use, recycle, respect, responsibility, re-think.
We would love the opportunity to meet, see if our energy connects, and go from there.
Thank you for taking the time and the creating the opportunity,
In love,
Justina Kerstein
Hello, my name is Josh. I am ageless in a 15 year old male body. I am an adaptable person with good intentions, a calm attitude, a working personality, and an old soul.
I love the outdoors, children, people, and animals. I have friends in all age groups and walk of life.
I am an entrepreneur and have owned two successful businesses since I was 9 years old. (lawn care and firewood)
I am moving my mom and I to Asheville so I can surround myself with other people that are living healthy lifestyles and aware. I am the change I wish to see in the world.
Friday, July 23, 2010
be still
Be still, have faith, love deeply.
These are the creators of my mind.
The desire to search, plan and do echo in my mind.
I believe running around in circles trying to make
something happen is only creating chaos.
It keeps my mind busy, too busy to hear the whispers
of the God in me showing me the way.
I believe my path has been constructed by my visions,
the map already in print.
I have full trust and faith in the universe,
I believe she is showing me the way.
Being still allows the doors to open.
The draw, the pull to do things my way, to find the answers, to search out the plan.
Knowing all the while, the answers lie within, the plan already in place,
certain "my way" is to go astray.
Dreaming of you, visions of sugar plums dancing in my mind. I feel the energy of your presence at my side.
Lighting strikes and thunder rolls,
waiting for life itself to unfold.
Faith, harmony, and karma, useful guides.
Their definitions, I shall abide.
These are the creators of my mind.
The desire to search, plan and do echo in my mind.
I believe running around in circles trying to make
something happen is only creating chaos.
It keeps my mind busy, too busy to hear the whispers
of the God in me showing me the way.
I believe my path has been constructed by my visions,
the map already in print.
I have full trust and faith in the universe,
I believe she is showing me the way.
Being still allows the doors to open.
The draw, the pull to do things my way, to find the answers, to search out the plan.
Knowing all the while, the answers lie within, the plan already in place,
certain "my way" is to go astray.
Dreaming of you, visions of sugar plums dancing in my mind. I feel the energy of your presence at my side.
Lighting strikes and thunder rolls,
waiting for life itself to unfold.
Faith, harmony, and karma, useful guides.
Their definitions, I shall abide.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
everyone, every chance you get.
a grapevine.
every chance you get, every breathe you take.
to every dream, every thought.
without judgment, allow this moment to be what it is.
on your breathe. in love, out love.
it down, give it life.
"next time someone tells you you made a mistake, tell them thank-you because without imperfection neither you or I would exist". Stephan Hawking
everyone, every chance you get.
a grapevine.
every chance you get, every breathe you take.
to every dream, every thought.
without judgment, allow this moment to be what it is.
on your breathe. in love, out love.
it down, give it life.
"next time someone tells you you made a mistake, tell them thank-you because without imperfection neither you or I would exist". Stephan Hawking
I love you.
It is not your fault.
I feel the pain our families are suffering.
I hear the lonely cry of man.
We must wake up.
The time has come.
How long must we suffer, how much is enough?
This is not just "how it is".
We, the people, can make the change.
Sometimes the enormous pain feels like it is too much,
even for the magic pen.
These words can not describe the horrors.
Music can.
Love can.
Dreams can.
We will find a way to heal the suffering hearts,
end this unnecessary pain.
darling sister, I love you.
dearest grandma, I love you.
strong, beautiful mother, I love you.
adoring brothers, I love you.
amazing, sweet children, I love you.
Grateful for all I am, now.
I feel the pain our families are suffering.
I hear the lonely cry of man.
We must wake up.
The time has come.
How long must we suffer, how much is enough?
This is not just "how it is".
We, the people, can make the change.
Sometimes the enormous pain feels like it is too much,
even for the magic pen.
These words can not describe the horrors.
Music can.
Love can.
Dreams can.
We will find a way to heal the suffering hearts,
end this unnecessary pain.
darling sister, I love you.
dearest grandma, I love you.
strong, beautiful mother, I love you.
adoring brothers, I love you.
amazing, sweet children, I love you.
Grateful for all I am, now.
love. you and I.
The magic pen in hand,
I come to you.
Seeking your ever gaithful guidance.
The truths I seek seem to have no limits.
The struggles I face within myself
sometimes seem to swallow me whole.
Love is my only refuge.
I am love.
As I breathe in and out, aware of myself.
Consumed with the habit of replaying the scenario's over and over again in my mind.
I began to wonder if the choices I make are really mine?
Did I really decide to be here?
Is this my dream or yours?
Do I float along yours until I find mine?
Will you share your dreams with me?
Of all the long journey's of my past
I wouldn't trade not one,
It all lead to here, this will all lead to there.=
I come to you.
Seeking your ever gaithful guidance.
The truths I seek seem to have no limits.
The struggles I face within myself
sometimes seem to swallow me whole.
Love is my only refuge.
I am love.
As I breathe in and out, aware of myself.
Consumed with the habit of replaying the scenario's over and over again in my mind.
I began to wonder if the choices I make are really mine?
Did I really decide to be here?
Is this my dream or yours?
Do I float along yours until I find mine?
Will you share your dreams with me?
Of all the long journey's of my past
I wouldn't trade not one,
It all lead to here, this will all lead to there.=
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
here, now.
Mother Earth, my life support system as a soldier.
I must drink your blue water, live inside your red clay, and eat your green skin.
Carry my body through space and time, you are my connection to the universe and all that comes after. I am your's and you are mine. I salute you.
~the men who stare at goats
The truths I seek seem to have no limits.
The struggles I face within myself
sometimes seem to swallow me whole.
Love is my only refuge,
I am love.
As I breathe in and out aware of myself,
Consumed with the habit of replaying the scenarios over and over again in my mind.
I began to wonder if the choices I make are really mine?
Did I really decide to be here?
Is this my dream or yours?
Do I float along yours until I find mine?
Will you share your dreams with me?
Of all the long journeys of my past, I would trade not one.
It all lead to here.
This will all lead to there.
We are here, now.
Meet everyone, every chance you get. Share, create a grapevine.
Love, every chance you get, every breathe you take.
Create every dream, every moment.
Observe without judgment. Allow this moment to be what it is.
Focus on your breathe, in love...out love.
Write it down, give it life.
xoxo Justina
Next time someone tells you "you made a mistake", tell them thank you because without imperfection, neither you or I would exist. ~ Stephen Hawking
Love, every chance you get, every breathe you take.
Create every dream, every moment.
Observe without judgment. Allow this moment to be what it is.
Focus on your breathe, in love...out love.
Write it down, give it life.
xoxo Justina
Next time someone tells you "you made a mistake", tell them thank you because without imperfection, neither you or I would exist. ~ Stephen Hawking
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
What is going on?
There is so much going on.
I am in the fight/flight pose.
My heart is beating a little faster than usual.
Time is going by faster.
I feel my pulse screaming through my entire body.
I feel like I am HERE, yet everywhere.
I feel separate and alone.
I am the creator of my reality.
If I am not creating my reality,
I am just an actor in another's dream.
What is going on?
The blog above is amazing.
There is so much going on.
I am in the fight/flight pose.
My heart is beating a little faster than usual.
Time is going by faster.
I feel my pulse screaming through my entire body.
I feel like I am HERE, yet everywhere.
I feel separate and alone.
I am the creator of my reality.
If I am not creating my reality,
I am just an actor in another's dream.
What is going on?
The blog above is amazing.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
If anything I write about in my blog interests you, maybe you'll be interested in this. Take what you want and leave the rest.
Much Love.
Much Love.
Monday, May 3, 2010
There are broadly three groups of Cannabis varieties being cultivated today:
There are broadly three groups of Cannabis varieties being cultivated today:
- Varieties primarily cultivated for their fiber, characterized by long stems and little branching, called industrial hemp
- Varieties grown for seed from which hemp oil is extracted
- Varieties grown for medicinal or recreational purposes.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Things seem to be coming full circle much faster, it is easier to see how your actions effect others. What goes around seems to be coming right back around. Sometimes that feels scary, most of the time it makes me smile. To be alive, now... is an honor.
I live a blessed life, the life of a queen.
I live a blessed life, the life of a queen.
The time is now
~Marianne“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Earth Day Fair @ the Apple Crate!

I LOVE the progress we are making towards understanding the healing properties of hemp! I get to wear a t-shirt speaking my language!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Taylor's Dream
It all started in 2010, I was in social studies class we(as in the teacher and students)were talking about the years before god.To me it got boring , my eyes began to get lower and lower as the teacher talked more, finally I was fast asleep.
In this dream was there was no computers, no drinks only water, but all the food you can eat. My dream was that me and my dad(bill) were shopping for food for our house,but we heard a noise boom! boom!boom!boom! I knew i heard this noise before it was a gun. Suddenly I realized this isnt just about me, its about him, the guy with the gun and me.
He was about 11 or 12, around my age. My dad and I tried to get out of there as soon as possible, but it was to late they were after me. For some reason we ran in a gas station. My dad got something to eat, I did as well. Then I found a button, out of curiosity I pushed it. Suddenly my dad and I were in a different world. Someone found us and introduced me to everyone saying this is her this is the one who will save us all. They explained about who the boy was someone said "he is the prince of the dark side, and you you are the princess of the goodness, god sent you to us" the person who said that was wearing a huge rock that was worth over 1,000 dollars in the real word her name was Aislinn meaning the dreamer. Aislinn owned a bunch of land.
We stayed there for a couple of hours then all of us went back to the gas station. The boy was there waiting with his father. Then we all started to fight I was alone with the prince we started to talk about what he is doing still ready to fight just in case. But I think he understood what was happening so he switched sides he started to shoot his father so close to hitting him I snacthed the gun out of his hand and hit his dads ear with the gun, his ear grew back.
Aslinn yelled out they cant die unless you hit them in the heart I kept on shooting. I hit his chest and handed the price the gun. He shot his father in the heart after three shots. To make sure I shot him in his heart and let to let the prince say his due. I ran back to the gas station and cleaned myself up and when he walked in I curtsied he laughed and i did as well then he bowed.
Suddenly I woke up we were talking about a girl who was a princess who helped the prince of evil become king of goodness.
In this dream was there was no computers, no drinks only water, but all the food you can eat. My dream was that me and my dad(bill) were shopping for food for our house,but we heard a noise boom! boom!boom!boom! I knew i heard this noise before it was a gun. Suddenly I realized this isnt just about me, its about him, the guy with the gun and me.
He was about 11 or 12, around my age. My dad and I tried to get out of there as soon as possible, but it was to late they were after me. For some reason we ran in a gas station. My dad got something to eat, I did as well. Then I found a button, out of curiosity I pushed it. Suddenly my dad and I were in a different world. Someone found us and introduced me to everyone saying this is her this is the one who will save us all. They explained about who the boy was someone said "he is the prince of the dark side, and you you are the princess of the goodness, god sent you to us" the person who said that was wearing a huge rock that was worth over 1,000 dollars in the real word her name was Aislinn meaning the dreamer. Aislinn owned a bunch of land.
We stayed there for a couple of hours then all of us went back to the gas station. The boy was there waiting with his father. Then we all started to fight I was alone with the prince we started to talk about what he is doing still ready to fight just in case. But I think he understood what was happening so he switched sides he started to shoot his father so close to hitting him I snacthed the gun out of his hand and hit his dads ear with the gun, his ear grew back.
Aslinn yelled out they cant die unless you hit them in the heart I kept on shooting. I hit his chest and handed the price the gun. He shot his father in the heart after three shots. To make sure I shot him in his heart and let to let the prince say his due. I ran back to the gas station and cleaned myself up and when he walked in I curtsied he laughed and i did as well then he bowed.
Suddenly I woke up we were talking about a girl who was a princess who helped the prince of evil become king of goodness.
Friday, April 2, 2010
If you feel like things are changing, if your heart is screaming at you, please watch this video. Take what you like and leave the rest. Please remember that truth resignates in your heart, it's not something you agree to, it is something you KNOW as soon as you hear it, kind of like remembering.
Peace be with you,
I love you all.
ps. AODSCARECROW channel on youtube has some good video's on the subject of; what are we? what is going on? Everything is not only going to be fine, it is already wonderful!
Peace be with you,
I love you all.
ps. AODSCARECROW channel on youtube has some good video's on the subject of; what are we? what is going on? Everything is not only going to be fine, it is already wonderful!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
A successful self operating group dedicated to leaving a small footprint and an everlasting heart print.
Create an international environment allowing all people to come together to share, create, learn, teach, trade, grow and love.
Create an international environment allowing all people to come together to share, create, learn, teach, trade, grow and love.
fear into love
Sometimes, it's so easy.
Other times feel like I am crawling on my face,
begging to get through.
Our energy is forceful.
Using it against each other
will surely cause the break.
Our foundation is
strong, pure.
Our hearts,
We are changing,
our world and theirs.
We are the world,
let's do our service
turning fear
into love.
Other times feel like I am crawling on my face,
begging to get through.
Our energy is forceful.
Using it against each other
will surely cause the break.
Our foundation is
strong, pure.
Our hearts,
We are changing,
our world and theirs.
We are the world,
let's do our service
turning fear
into love.
Friday, March 26, 2010
If you haven't watched this, maybe you should! enjoy : )
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Each shift (that I am aware of) feels like my senses get stronger and everything is more beautiful.
I seem to have a deeper understanding of life.
I feel closer to nature and it's animals, including the human species.
I feel at peace in my heart.
I understand that pain brings love.
I realize that everything is happening as it should.
I feel something bigger than me, I feel the light.
I am aware that things that make absolutely no sense at all to me now, soon will bring a deep understanding.
I feel healthy and strong.
I am alive, awake and in love with the world.
I seem to have a deeper understanding of life.
I feel closer to nature and it's animals, including the human species.
I feel at peace in my heart.
I understand that pain brings love.
I realize that everything is happening as it should.
I feel something bigger than me, I feel the light.
I am aware that things that make absolutely no sense at all to me now, soon will bring a deep understanding.
I feel healthy and strong.
I am alive, awake and in love with the world.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Bringing it back to the beginning.
Thinking back to the circumstances that brought forth all the questions...
I feel like I have always wondered, everything.
I remember when I first announced I had to go "find myself". All who cared about me "wondered" what in the hell that meant, as did I.
I once tried to end my life, I sat there thinking, "I, can not live with myself anymore". I guess I was going to find out who the hell I was and what myself was going to do about it.
When we talk to ourselves, who's talking? who's arguing with you? who's agreeing?
It turns out, there is more than me.
There were always so many questions. I couldn't understand this talker in my head, usually talking pure shit. Taking up all the time in my world thinking the worst about everyone and everything. Always filling me full of doubt, always nagging. Nothing was EVER good enough. Is this REALLY all there is? Is this REALLY what life is about? I couldn't believe in this. I had no idea what it was I believed, but it was not this.
I spent many years, using everything I could find, to shut this maniac up. Nothing works.
It's as scary as it gets when you start, but listening to yourself and just asking some questions can give you peace. Question yourself. Question everyone. Question Everything. Do you really believe that? Is this true?
Everything we know, everything we believe, was handed to us by our caregivers as children. All the laws were made and rules were set before we were born. When you go searching for yourself, you are looking for what it is YOU really believe, it means really asking yourself what you think. Not what your mom told you was true, or your church, or your grandma... what is true for you?
This way of thinking was handed to you at a very special event in most of our lives....
Do you remember finding out there was no Santa Claus? OR When your children found out?
This happens at the perfect time in our lives and for a very important reason.
This is our cue to question EVERYTHING we have been told.
If your parents lied to you about this, what else have they kept a secret?
what other lies have they told?
I started asking some BIG questions after losing my father and grandfather within a couple months of each other. Two very strong influences in my life.Where did they go? What is it that I REALLY believe? I started questioning everything I was telling myself and what I was understanding from others. I spent a lot of time just listening to the information I was taking in and the people I was surrounding myself with.
One specific time I remember, we were camping at Jordan lake, cruising around on our boat. I was looking down at the quakes coming up the edge of the boat, we were going pretty fast.
I was daydreaming, and thought, I wanna put my hand in the wave. Instantly, I told myself, NO, you'll die.
I'll die? WTF? Seriously, where did that come from? My guess, skiff rides in the cold winter to Hydaburg as a very small girl. Without knowing how enormous every word is, (especially to a young child learning the laws of the world) someone told me I would/could die if I did that. So, here I am 30+ years old, telling myself I will die if I put my hand out of the boat while going fast.
This was when I really woke up to the fact that maybe I tell myself all kinds of stupid shit, and I do.
Now I know to really listen to them and change my laws, just by agreeing to.
Letting some of these laws die is a lot like dying yourself, some of them are deeply ingrained into your entire life and the effects spread wide and thin. There is a let go, and let God. there is a born again. there is a heaven here on earth. there is such a thing as a clear, peaceful mind.
Here I am.
I feel like I have always wondered, everything.
I remember when I first announced I had to go "find myself". All who cared about me "wondered" what in the hell that meant, as did I.
I once tried to end my life, I sat there thinking, "I, can not live with myself anymore". I guess I was going to find out who the hell I was and what myself was going to do about it.
When we talk to ourselves, who's talking? who's arguing with you? who's agreeing?
It turns out, there is more than me.
There were always so many questions. I couldn't understand this talker in my head, usually talking pure shit. Taking up all the time in my world thinking the worst about everyone and everything. Always filling me full of doubt, always nagging. Nothing was EVER good enough. Is this REALLY all there is? Is this REALLY what life is about? I couldn't believe in this. I had no idea what it was I believed, but it was not this.
I spent many years, using everything I could find, to shut this maniac up. Nothing works.
It's as scary as it gets when you start, but listening to yourself and just asking some questions can give you peace. Question yourself. Question everyone. Question Everything. Do you really believe that? Is this true?
Everything we know, everything we believe, was handed to us by our caregivers as children. All the laws were made and rules were set before we were born. When you go searching for yourself, you are looking for what it is YOU really believe, it means really asking yourself what you think. Not what your mom told you was true, or your church, or your grandma... what is true for you?
This way of thinking was handed to you at a very special event in most of our lives....
Do you remember finding out there was no Santa Claus? OR When your children found out?
This happens at the perfect time in our lives and for a very important reason.
This is our cue to question EVERYTHING we have been told.
If your parents lied to you about this, what else have they kept a secret?
what other lies have they told?
I started asking some BIG questions after losing my father and grandfather within a couple months of each other. Two very strong influences in my life.Where did they go? What is it that I REALLY believe? I started questioning everything I was telling myself and what I was understanding from others. I spent a lot of time just listening to the information I was taking in and the people I was surrounding myself with.
One specific time I remember, we were camping at Jordan lake, cruising around on our boat. I was looking down at the quakes coming up the edge of the boat, we were going pretty fast.
I was daydreaming, and thought, I wanna put my hand in the wave. Instantly, I told myself, NO, you'll die.
I'll die? WTF? Seriously, where did that come from? My guess, skiff rides in the cold winter to Hydaburg as a very small girl. Without knowing how enormous every word is, (especially to a young child learning the laws of the world) someone told me I would/could die if I did that. So, here I am 30+ years old, telling myself I will die if I put my hand out of the boat while going fast.
This was when I really woke up to the fact that maybe I tell myself all kinds of stupid shit, and I do.
Now I know to really listen to them and change my laws, just by agreeing to.
Letting some of these laws die is a lot like dying yourself, some of them are deeply ingrained into your entire life and the effects spread wide and thin. There is a let go, and let God. there is a born again. there is a heaven here on earth. there is such a thing as a clear, peaceful mind.
Here I am.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
Through the wonderful world of meeting and making friends (Richard Gamble of Deep Roots ), this book was given to me a couple weeks ago and my thoughts have not been the same since.
The paradigms that are deeply embedded in our lives are shed moment by moment, truth by truth.
Through the wonderful world of meeting and making friends (Richard Gamble of Deep Roots ), this book was given to me a couple weeks ago and my thoughts have not been the same since.
The paradigms that are deeply embedded in our lives are shed moment by moment, truth by truth.
Friday, January 29, 2010
All life on our planet...
Enjoyed our first ladies night (which will eventually evolve into all life on our planet : )!
It was so awesome to have an assortment of diverse, amazing women together in a cozy setting, having a blast!
In my search I have found millions of ways to:
change myself = change the world,
everyday, everything and every dollar.
Aware of each minute change carrying on from generation to generation, seeing it's rippling river affect!
Choosing to slow down and enjoy my moments... (gazing at the sun, clouds, birds, moon, trees, shadows, black winter trees on the horizon of a glorious sunset, people talking on cell phones and picking their nose, feeling the breeze, listening to a good jam, saying grace, daydreaming in thoughts of my fabulous life, etc., etc.)... while sitting at a stop sign sure changes everything I do and everything that I come in contact with. It's much easier to be friendly and peaceful.
Choosing to eat each bite as if it is a masterpiece of nutrition, taste and most importantly... love.
(please watch Food Inc. soon we will be enjoying whole, organic, locally grown, in-season foods. ; )
Choosing to act vs. react
Choosing love vs. fear
Choosing to listen and understand more than talking and being understood.
Choosing to see myself in everyone and everything I encounter.
It has been 16 months since I stopped participating in society as we know it : )
have been to walmart/malls/chain stores/ less then 5 times. (after 2am @ walmart)
have had less than five bites of fast food of ANY type.
have no desire to spend $1 more than I have to at ANY gas station and I don't.
carry a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE I go.
have not consumed any pharmaceuticals
do not own a t.v and have not had cable for 16+ years
do not consume high-fructose corn syrup, meat, dairy, corn, fillers, fluoride, artificial anything.
consumed alcohol less than 5 times.
do not alter my appearance/clothing/lifestyle to the anyone else. I am unique and proud.
do not click on m s n( preventing a link to a terrible site) , yahoo, or any other "news" type sites.
have spent less than 5 nights loafing on the computer.
have not watched the news, listened to the radio or talked about a celebrity. (I am still alive).
choose to eat raw, fresh, organic, local EVERY chance I get.
( american spirits :) If your gonna smoke, let it be natural, organic and locally grown.
I am a dreamer and I have a dream. Everyday I see this dream becoming a reality.
I am becoming WE.
Big Love and grace,
xoxo Justina
It was so awesome to have an assortment of diverse, amazing women together in a cozy setting, having a blast!
In my search I have found millions of ways to:
change myself = change the world,
everyday, everything and every dollar.
Aware of each minute change carrying on from generation to generation, seeing it's rippling river affect!
Choosing to slow down and enjoy my moments... (gazing at the sun, clouds, birds, moon, trees, shadows, black winter trees on the horizon of a glorious sunset, people talking on cell phones and picking their nose, feeling the breeze, listening to a good jam, saying grace, daydreaming in thoughts of my fabulous life, etc., etc.)... while sitting at a stop sign sure changes everything I do and everything that I come in contact with. It's much easier to be friendly and peaceful.
Choosing to eat each bite as if it is a masterpiece of nutrition, taste and most importantly... love.
(please watch Food Inc. soon we will be enjoying whole, organic, locally grown, in-season foods. ; )
Choosing to act vs. react
Choosing love vs. fear
Choosing to listen and understand more than talking and being understood.
Choosing to see myself in everyone and everything I encounter.
It has been 16 months since I stopped participating in society as we know it : )
have been to walmart/malls/chain stores/ less then 5 times. (after 2am @ walmart)
have had less than five bites of fast food of ANY type.
have no desire to spend $1 more than I have to at ANY gas station and I don't.
carry a water bottle with me EVERYWHERE I go.
have not consumed any pharmaceuticals
do not own a t.v and have not had cable for 16+ years
do not consume high-fructose corn syrup, meat, dairy, corn, fillers, fluoride, artificial anything.
consumed alcohol less than 5 times.
do not alter my appearance/clothing/lifestyle to the anyone else. I am unique and proud.
do not click on m s n( preventing a link to a terrible site) , yahoo, or any other "news" type sites.
have spent less than 5 nights loafing on the computer.
have not watched the news, listened to the radio or talked about a celebrity. (I am still alive).
choose to eat raw, fresh, organic, local EVERY chance I get.
( american spirits :) If your gonna smoke, let it be natural, organic and locally grown.
I am a dreamer and I have a dream. Everyday I see this dream becoming a reality.
I am becoming WE.
Big Love and grace,
xoxo Justina
Saturday, January 16, 2010
lol, love.
Have you ever tried to meditate and find you can't shut your mind up? There you are arguing with yourself, irritated cause you can't get yourself to just be quiet for a minute, the grocery list and what you should've said still going around and around up there?
A friend gave me some great advice I thought I'd share.
Just listen. No judging, labeling and making sure you get your opinion in, just listen.
(the word has a bad rap for some of us as we hear our gramma in church hisssssing, lisssten).
Listen to the symphony of different sounds going on around you, hear the grand Orchestra, playing just for you, here, now, in this moment.
Justina Rae
p.s. turns out, I have all kinds of things to say now that I've given myself endless blank pages : )
A friend gave me some great advice I thought I'd share.
Just listen. No judging, labeling and making sure you get your opinion in, just listen.
(the word has a bad rap for some of us as we hear our gramma in church hisssssing, lisssten).
Listen to the symphony of different sounds going on around you, hear the grand Orchestra, playing just for you, here, now, in this moment.
That is clearing your mind.xoxo
Justina Rae
p.s. turns out, I have all kinds of things to say now that I've given myself endless blank pages : )
WOW! Life is a trip.
Have you ever paused for a moment and looked at your life objectively? Look as if you are a bird, or God. Completely without judgment, look at all the people in your life as if they are actors in a movie.
What's going on?
This can be so tricky, I am aware of 3 or 4 times that I have done this in the last.... 16 months. I "thought" I was aware of the things going on, choosing to be okay with what is vs. what is "good" or "bad".
A few evenings ago I was lying on my bed letting the work day roll off, relaxing.
Suddenly I saw myself laying there.
In my mind, I jumped up and screamed......
What in the fuck has been going on around here? and who are you? How did I get here? and where in the universe have I been?
Life is a trip.
Things have not been the same since. I have been moving, and moving. :)
I am here now, I think.
I am bigger and badder than ever!
xoxo Big Love.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Home Rules
Always be honest proverbs 12:22
Count your blessings psalms 14:1-3
Bear each other's burdens galatians 6:2
Forgive and forget micah 7:18
Be kind and tender hearted ephesians 4:32
Comfort one another 1thessalonians 4:18
Keep your promises romans 4:21
Be supportive of one another acts 20:35
Be true to each other revelation 15:4
Look after each other deuteronomy 15:11
Treat each other like you treat your friends matthew 7:12
but most important
deeply from the heart 1 peter 1:22
Count your blessings psalms 14:1-3
Bear each other's burdens galatians 6:2
Forgive and forget micah 7:18
Be kind and tender hearted ephesians 4:32
Comfort one another 1thessalonians 4:18
Keep your promises romans 4:21
Be supportive of one another acts 20:35
Be true to each other revelation 15:4
Look after each other deuteronomy 15:11
Treat each other like you treat your friends matthew 7:12
but most important
deeply from the heart 1 peter 1:22
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