Friday, April 29, 2011


attempting the lift up, imagining smiles.
Feel like I'm trying to play pac man in a donkey kong world.
It's like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife.
Laid all my cards on the table and it turns out...
we're playing dominoes.
Brought all my equipment, to the wrong field.
Looks like it's time to start over, fresh....
I kind of like it in this brand new place.
I believe they're nice here. Just because.
There's no longer a debt to pay. No need to be "paid back", for us to continue suffering for past actions.
It's a brand new day, a totally new idea, slate clean.
There's no slamming hammers on heads, stealing woman, running, chasing or dying.
It's all brand new.
All the dreams of loving, caring, sharing, dreaming, being, laughing, creating, smooching, playing, singing, and dancing are not only dreams. It turns out, the grass is actually greener on the other side. It wasn't silly of me to think "why am I suffering when around the corner( belief, mindset, trap), there is love?"

I am going with faith, 100%.  I believe with all of my heart there is something more.

The fear of this demension has no place where I'm going. When you get on the big canoe, the only thing that can come with you is faith. It takes up 100% of the room.

I am so grateful for a love that is more than holding on. A love that is completely un-selfish, a love that has learned how to let go, gracefully. I live it, I honor it.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

within it

The systems of which we abide have become habitatable.
We are becoming not only tolerant of the pychosis, but seem to have learned to thrive off of it, within it.
The habits and the rituals, the rights and the wrongs, in and outs are so extreme, we have been forced to find the beauty within the chaos, the positive in and through the most horrendous of catastrophe's.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


uncertain whether or not I want to bring any more light to the subject... but WOW.
Kid sets up robbery and steals from us. When contacted his mother says if we weren't so stupid as to trust her son, the robbery wouldn't have happened.
They returned most of it, but not all. She says were lucky they gave us back anything. Is she really having her son set up his friends to steal???????
I will continue to pray for them.