Good day.
A part of me thinks that my mind is to jumbled to be here writing a blog, the other says,"do it, now is always the perfect time!"
I spend most of my "free time" learning and asking questions of the world we live in.
I have learned more than I ever imagined when I started this quest.
My mind is engorged with the madness, yet I choose to BE in the state of grace.
It has been almost a year now since I have listened to the radio or watched tv. I do not read magazines or engage myself in conversations relating to any of the above.
This is an interesting aspect of my everyday life, it allows me to hear the birds chirp and remember all the good that is in our hearts.
It is my intention to find the medium that will let me share the knowledge I have discovered. I am learning to hear what people are meaning rather than listening to the words that are spoken.
I am aware of the difference one person can make to the world and I am opening my heart, my soul and my mind to receive.
The difference between religion and spirituality:
Religious people are afraid of Hell, Spiritual people have been to Hell, shook hands with the devil and now know that there is also a Heaven, here on earth.
Going through Hell, is something we must do in order to find Heaven. The dark, scary, alone place that we find ourselves in, is the place that we must open our eyes and see the open door. Hell is the place we must shed our ego selves and be reborn as the "I" we have been searching for.
This is the place that many get lost, they try so hard to fight against the truths of themselves and the world.
What seems like the "easy" way; numbing our minds, pushing our truths down and painting our smiles is only prolonging our time in hell.
Embrace the madness, love yourself, be patient with the habits that have taken a lifetime to create. Step by step, one step at a time.
Be love.
If you are a news watcher, take a minute today and ask yourself; is this the most important thing going on in our world? Are these the things I need to be worried about? Our entertainment industry is taking over our minds, this is not an accident. There are VERY rich people doing everything they can to make you and your children STUPID. They are filling your mind with nonsence so you don't make an effort to learn anything about what is REALLY going on.
The swine flu becomes an epidemic when they tell the world the symptoms over and over and over again on the news and the radio until everyone starts "thinking" they are developing them. Of course the symptoms are exactly the same as the cold that has been going around, only the cold will not kill, unless of course, you "THINK" it will.
It is critical to understand that our THOUGHTS BECOME THINGS.
Pay attention them, choose good ones.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
shout out... women!
Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
2008 book review
When the heart waits by Sue Monk Kidd has come to me at the perfect time, not for one second did I doubt that it would. I have been struggling with the voice inside me that keeps telling me to just be patient and wait, it'll come...
I have been feeling a lot like the caterpillar turning into the butterfly. Thank God, I have survived the caterpillar life, I even made it through the part where I was convinced my life was over (as I knew it). It appears I am in the most important "stage" of the transformation.... the cocoon. It is my job to be patient, silent and keep my faith. This book uses the butterfly as a point of relation to what is really going on and it also puts it God into perspective. I'm going to type out some of the parts that I have highlighted! Hope all is well for you and yours, and I hope that you are spending a lot of time laughing, laughing just makes everything better, doesn't it? xoxoxo
Chapter one, the long way round: "Midway this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, Where the right road was wholly lost and gone.... It is so bitter it goes nigh to death".... Dante
"Patience is everything" Rainer Maria Rilke
The sacred intent of life, of God-to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul.
Entering the question: To embark on this task involves a deep and profound movement of soul that takes us from an identification with the collective "they" to a discovery of the individual "I," and finally, as we shall eventually see, to an embracing of the compassionate "we."
In our youth we set up inner myths and stories to live by, but around the midlife juncture these patterns begin to crumble. It feels to us like a collapsing of all that is, but it's a holy quaking. "When order crumbles," writes John Shea, "Mystery rises."
"If you think God leads you only beside still waters, think again. God will also lead you beside turbulent waters. If you have the courage to enter, you'll think you're drowning. But actually you're being churned into something new. It's okay, dive in."
Chapter Two "Quickaholic Spirituality"
This chapter talks a lot about how our society as a whole has become a fast-paced, demanding world. We want everything NOW, fast food, microwaves, internet, space travel.... When it comes to your soul and spirituality, time is not involved.
Waiting being the rawest kind of agony.... We want God to simply take away the masks we have spent a life time creating. We want Him to jump in and find the lost and neglected parts, to solve all our problems, heal wounds, alleviate the inexplicable sense of discontent and pain.... NOW! or at least very soon : )
"I hope you'll hear what I'm about to tell you. I hope you'll hear it all the way down to your toes. When you're waiting, you're not doing nothing. You're doing the most important something there is. You're allowing your soul to grow up. if you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."
A lot of us have spent our lives in shortcut religion. we haven't been willing to face the fact that while the spiritual journey is joyous and full, it's also long and hard. It asks much-too much sometimes.
To grow up spiritually means having growing pains in the darkest part of the night.
We seem to have focused so much on exuberant beginnings and victorious ending that we've forgotten about the slow, sometimes tortuous, unraveling of God's grace that takes place in the "middle places" How did we ever get the idea that God would supply us on demand with quick fixes, that God is merely a rescuer and not a midwife?
That's all for now folks.... Let me know what you think? where are you in your journey? This awakening is much easier if you have a companion, a friend, a soul mate... Someone to share your experience with, to lean on, to hold up... Usually you find a friend like this in the most unusual place, somewhere you never even thought to look. A big shout out to my "soul mates".... Thank You, from the very depths of my soul.
xoxoxo and laughs!
I have been feeling a lot like the caterpillar turning into the butterfly. Thank God, I have survived the caterpillar life, I even made it through the part where I was convinced my life was over (as I knew it). It appears I am in the most important "stage" of the transformation.... the cocoon. It is my job to be patient, silent and keep my faith. This book uses the butterfly as a point of relation to what is really going on and it also puts it God into perspective. I'm going to type out some of the parts that I have highlighted! Hope all is well for you and yours, and I hope that you are spending a lot of time laughing, laughing just makes everything better, doesn't it? xoxoxo
Chapter one, the long way round: "Midway this way of life we're bound upon, I woke to find myself in a dark wood, Where the right road was wholly lost and gone.... It is so bitter it goes nigh to death".... Dante
"Patience is everything" Rainer Maria Rilke
The sacred intent of life, of God-to move us continuously toward growth, toward recovering all that is lost and orphaned within us and restoring the divine image imprinted on our soul.
Entering the question: To embark on this task involves a deep and profound movement of soul that takes us from an identification with the collective "they" to a discovery of the individual "I," and finally, as we shall eventually see, to an embracing of the compassionate "we."
In our youth we set up inner myths and stories to live by, but around the midlife juncture these patterns begin to crumble. It feels to us like a collapsing of all that is, but it's a holy quaking. "When order crumbles," writes John Shea, "Mystery rises."
"If you think God leads you only beside still waters, think again. God will also lead you beside turbulent waters. If you have the courage to enter, you'll think you're drowning. But actually you're being churned into something new. It's okay, dive in."
Chapter Two "Quickaholic Spirituality"
This chapter talks a lot about how our society as a whole has become a fast-paced, demanding world. We want everything NOW, fast food, microwaves, internet, space travel.... When it comes to your soul and spirituality, time is not involved.
Waiting being the rawest kind of agony.... We want God to simply take away the masks we have spent a life time creating. We want Him to jump in and find the lost and neglected parts, to solve all our problems, heal wounds, alleviate the inexplicable sense of discontent and pain.... NOW! or at least very soon : )
"I hope you'll hear what I'm about to tell you. I hope you'll hear it all the way down to your toes. When you're waiting, you're not doing nothing. You're doing the most important something there is. You're allowing your soul to grow up. if you can't be still and wait, you can't become what God created you to be."
A lot of us have spent our lives in shortcut religion. we haven't been willing to face the fact that while the spiritual journey is joyous and full, it's also long and hard. It asks much-too much sometimes.
To grow up spiritually means having growing pains in the darkest part of the night.
We seem to have focused so much on exuberant beginnings and victorious ending that we've forgotten about the slow, sometimes tortuous, unraveling of God's grace that takes place in the "middle places" How did we ever get the idea that God would supply us on demand with quick fixes, that God is merely a rescuer and not a midwife?
That's all for now folks.... Let me know what you think? where are you in your journey? This awakening is much easier if you have a companion, a friend, a soul mate... Someone to share your experience with, to lean on, to hold up... Usually you find a friend like this in the most unusual place, somewhere you never even thought to look. A big shout out to my "soul mates".... Thank You, from the very depths of my soul.
xoxoxo and laughs!
signs of love, around the house
I did a major "spring cleaning" last winter(08). I took out all of the things that made me think of what was, and what I wish was... I packed up all the old pictures of yesterdays, got rid of all the knick knacks of the past, and simplified each and every area of my home. I wrote up some great sayings on pieces of poster board.
I have a collection of poster boards with feeling words on them, I realized that I was living in a box of just a few emotions. I felt like I used 4 feelings; mad, happy, sad and pissed off. I found breaking them down, not categorizing them into such big words, they are much easier to get through and usually only last a few seconds..not all day as I used to believe. Here are some feeling words from the poster board beside the computer:
Affectionate, confident, shaken, empathetic, just, fierce, restless, worrow, spirited, loyal, patient, able, glad, defective, powerful, healthy, skeptical, blunt, generous, jilted, durable, inadequate, cooperative, fidgety, mild, horrified, kind, warm, excluded, silly, inspired, bewildered, insecure, enraged, kaput, enthusiastic, desperate, inerested, trivial, anzious, baffled, shy, amazed, intense, small, useless, jubilant, timid, savage, infuential, thoughtful, intimidated, cross, relaxed.
I have these printed in different colors and sizes and styles. It draws your eyes to different words each time you look at it, and I find that your eyes seem to draw towards your feelings in the moment... try it!
and last but not least, again... and possibly again later ; )
The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable with your word: speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the POWER of your word int he direction of truth and love.
Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say is projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needles suffering.
Don't Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions, and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, drama and sadness. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment. It will be different when you are healthy opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Love to all of you, may your journey be as quick and painless as possible...
xoxoxo justina
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
(this is also a treasured bracelet my Aunt Vera bought for me years ago, it took years to realize and live it's meaning)
"Choose what ignites your passion, turns you on, makes you laugh, inspires you, touches you deeply, tickles your curiousity, opens your heart, and propels you into new worlds. Life on purpose is simply taking all the elements of belief-intellect and awareness, intention and intent, emotion and your ability to dream, and awakening to their immense power". Beliefworks by Ray Dodd
"life is to short to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right, and forget about the ones who don't and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance; take it. If it changes your life; let it. Nobody said that it would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it".
BE HERE NOW!!!Create a WIN/WIN scenario
Integrity, Grace, Humility, Compassion, Courage, Honor, Wit, Spontaneity, Reverence, Genius.
Live Well, Laugh Often, Love Much
"that I may dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of my life".
(I found this at a craft show years ago and bought it. At the time, I had no idea why. I was not "into" God, and I had no idea what this meant, but I bought it and put it above my fire place... years later, to me it now means to live in awareness, is to live in the house of the Lord. Exactly what I live to do each and every day.)
I have a collection of poster boards with feeling words on them, I realized that I was living in a box of just a few emotions. I felt like I used 4 feelings; mad, happy, sad and pissed off. I found breaking them down, not categorizing them into such big words, they are much easier to get through and usually only last a few seconds..not all day as I used to believe. Here are some feeling words from the poster board beside the computer:
Affectionate, confident, shaken, empathetic, just, fierce, restless, worrow, spirited, loyal, patient, able, glad, defective, powerful, healthy, skeptical, blunt, generous, jilted, durable, inadequate, cooperative, fidgety, mild, horrified, kind, warm, excluded, silly, inspired, bewildered, insecure, enraged, kaput, enthusiastic, desperate, inerested, trivial, anzious, baffled, shy, amazed, intense, small, useless, jubilant, timid, savage, infuential, thoughtful, intimidated, cross, relaxed.
I have these printed in different colors and sizes and styles. It draws your eyes to different words each time you look at it, and I find that your eyes seem to draw towards your feelings in the moment... try it!
and last but not least, again... and possibly again later ; )
The Four Agreements:
Be Impeccable with your word: speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the POWER of your word int he direction of truth and love.
Don't Take Anything Personally: Nothing others do is because of you. What others say is projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needles suffering.
Don't Make Assumptions: Find the courage to ask questions, and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, drama and sadness. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.
Always Do Your Best: Your best is going to change from moment to moment. It will be different when you are healthy opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse, and regret.
Love to all of you, may your journey be as quick and painless as possible...
xoxoxo justina
Friday, April 3, 2009
Dare to.....
Ask for what you want
Believe in yourself
Change your mind
Do what you love
Enjoy each and every day
Follow your heart's desire
Give more than you receive
Have a sense of humor
Insist on being yourself
Join in more
Kiss and make up
Love and be loved
Make new freinds
Nurture your spirit
Overcome adversity
Play more
Question conformity
Reach for the stars
Speak your truth
Take personal responsibiliy
Understand more, judge less
Volunteer your time
Walk through fear
X-perience the moment
Yearn for grace
be Zany.
A poster on our bathroom wall.
Believe in yourself
Change your mind
Do what you love
Enjoy each and every day
Follow your heart's desire
Give more than you receive
Have a sense of humor
Insist on being yourself
Join in more
Kiss and make up
Love and be loved
Make new freinds
Nurture your spirit
Overcome adversity
Play more
Question conformity
Reach for the stars
Speak your truth
Take personal responsibiliy
Understand more, judge less
Volunteer your time
Walk through fear
X-perience the moment
Yearn for grace
be Zany.
A poster on our bathroom wall.
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