I have a dream.
our people, united.
Our people around the world,
Our people next door,
Our people.
I believe that this dream
Begins with you, with me.
Together we can reach higher than we can see.
Together we can be.
We must join our hands together
And bow our heads in prayer.
We form a bond,
We form a community,
We become one,
We are..
We the people.
I have been holding an idea close to my heart, I am ready to let it fly. It has grown to big for me. It is time to share it, to find a sturdy foundation for it to come alive. I'm not sure how, I haven't bothered to ask, all that I know is that I am a vessel, my mind, my body and heart.
The "idea" started out as a lot of questions, and becoming aware. Becoming aware of myself and the needs of my neighbors and friends. I have friends that have money and no time, I have friends that have time and no money, friends that have a job and no car, and ones that have a car and no job. Friends that can cook, friends… I think you get the point. It drove me mad, knowing I sit here, with the ability, and the desire to help if only I knew where to start?
Then I started to become aware of fear. Fear so great that they turn their heads to everything around them. All these people running around trying so hard to keep their heads above water, ALONE.
We are not a species that travel alone. We are individuals who must be a part of a companionship, a family, a village, a community. We all desire to be needed, to be allowed to share our talents, to be proud of our individualism. We love to work together when there is a common goal at hand, when it is fun, when we feel like we are contributing.
This idea started out as a group of people getting together, just to get together. Get together and talk, share, dream, live, create and enjoy. This is a huge umbrella for the things that a group can do. The ideas I was coming up with led me to our children being in a group. The imaginations of our children is abundant, we need to start listening and giving them a platform to share their ideas. We need to give them permission and support to change the world. A group men that get together and tackle big projects, with and for each other, together. (a house needing to be painted is an enormous task for one, and a fun afternoon for a group).
The point, the dream is us, together.
The dream grew again, how could I involve my mom and the rest of my family across the country? How could I get my mom to form a group? This brings in the internet, an awesome tool that can be a great link to a global group, a global village. If we were to combine all of these amazing websites and programs into MYLIFE, a place where we can come together, a hub to create plans, dreams, schedules. A place to trade our goods and services, a place to plan events and exercise together, across the world and down the street. A place where we could even store our important documents, A myspace, facebook, twitter, youtube, wiki, groups, business, all in one.
If we join together, neighbor to neighbor, friend to friend, mother to daughter, consumer to salesman, we can began to trade goods, talents, plans and dreams.
The idea of groups reaching around the globe is envisioned through the pyramid effect.
There are many avenues for this idea to stretch and grow. The groups give opportunity for EVERYONE to come together, no matter what your religion, color, or origin.
Together, we are bigger than money, more than politics, healthier than the health plan. The permission to start a group allows everyone to be involved without joining, believing or becoming anything… just because you are you. Your opinions and ideas matter. You are important to us becoming one.
I have begun a bubble chart to get some of these thoughts and ideas out, to see them and stop trying to keep them organized in my head. I have started at the core of the entire idea, together.
Together we will find hope, success, friendship, health, values, growth, opportunity, a healthy environment, exchange of services (rather than money), etc. Together we will inspire, mentor, influence, serve, pray, and love.
In summary, this is an idea, a way for us to come together. A way for us to reach out our hands, cross bridges, together.
When we are eager to share all that we are, there can be no less fortunate.
We are ready.
Justina Kerstein
A little about myself, I am a dreamer, I am an optimist, a softie, a lover and a friend. I know that there is heaven, here, on earth waiting for us. I doubt, and I have feared, I have wondered if I am doing the right thing. Most importantly, I have faith. I have faith in humankind, in America, in the world. I will live my life serving God, listening to his whispers.
I don't know where this letter is going to travel, I have faith that it will lay into the most appropriate hand. I have a dream.